Iyomali Abeysekera

Office: building 23, level 2, Room 221

+61 3990 54594Edirimuni.abeysekera@monash.edu

Scientific Contributions

[1] Operator-Independent High-Throughput Polymerization Screening Based on Automated Inline NMR and Online SEC

J Van Herck, I. Abeysekara, A.-L. Buckinx, K. Cai, J. P. Hooker, K. Thakur, E. Van de Reydt, P.J. Voorter, D. Wyers, T. Junkers, Digital Discovery, 2022.

Conference Contributions


Since 2020

Ph. D. Chemistry

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. T. Junkers

Monash University

2017 - 2019

MSc. Chemistry

University of Connecticut

2013 - 2016

Bachelor of Science

University of Peradeniya
